School News

Welcome Faculty!

Announcement! Professor Dr. Atousa Mahdavi joined NEU's School of Health & Wellness with her cutting-edge Holistic Medicine Academy

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NEW! ’24

  NewEarth University Course Listing Feb – May 2024 ♥ NEU announces its unique online Winter Semester course listing. Check out your workshop & course offerings from the Schools of The Living Arts; Health & Wellness; Consciousness & Spirituality; Natural Law; and Science & Design Innovation – all cutting-edge curriculum from faculty, fellows and a few affiliate professors. Thank you

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In Memorium

We sadly announce the passing of NEU beloved fellows: The one-and-only legend, Jim Humble and Dr. Mikael Nordfors, longtime School of Health & Wellness faculty member

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Welcome Fellow!

NEWS! July '23 ~ The School of Health & Wellness is honored to announce Rima E. Laibow, MD as esteemed senior fellow of NEU. Welcome Dr. Rima!

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Welcome Faculty!

NEWS! MAY 2023 ~ NewEarth Science & Technology discipline (NEST) of NEU's School of Science & Design Innovation is delighted to announce new faculty: Dr. Renate Quehenberger, MA, PhD. WELCOME!

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’23 News!

NEWS! March '23 ~ NEU is delighted to announce a new Administration member: Welcome Curriculum Advisor, Dr. Manely Sharifian

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Welcome Faculty!

NEWS! DEC 2022 ~ NEU's School of Consciousness & Spirituality is delighted to announce Nicole Pinter-Krainer as a new member of its faculty. Welcome!

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Mystery School Joins NEU

Mystery School Joins NEU

NEWS! ~ NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality is delighted to announce its affiliation with the Seven Sisters Mystery School directed by Marguerite Rigoglioso, PhD

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